We all experience some level of stress on a daily basis. Stress, in itself, is not harmful to us. It becomes a problem when the amount of stress is too great for a person to handle, or when the body cannot adequately adapt to stress. Dealing with stress starts with knowing its different forms and understanding how it affects the body.
Stress exists in three forms. Here they are with examples of each:
1. Physical Stress: The birth process, sports, accidents, repetitive activities, slips/falls, poor posture, work
2. Emotional Stress: Worry, financial woes, hectic schedules, heartbreak, loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss/change of work
3. Chemical Stress: Processed foods, fast food, drugs (prescribed and over the counter), cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine
The effects on the body are wide ranging and numerous. Some of the common long term effects include but are not limited to:
Allergies High Blood Pressure Anxiety Skin Problems Headaches/Migraines Back Pain Muscle Aches and Pains Digestive disorders Heart Disease
Stroke Insomnia / Fatigue Depression
Everyone is affected differently and can handle different levels of stress. Here are some tips to fight back against stress:
· Think in a positive way
· Eat the right food
· Exercise on a regular basis
· Get enough rest and fun (laugh)
· Get adjusted regularly, it will help balance your stressed nervous system
At Hoisington Family Chiropractic it is our goal to help our patients understand these different forms of stress and how they affect the body, and to limit the negative effects of stress by keeping the body in balance with state of the art chiropractic care.
In Health,