Monday, March 24, 2014

5 Facets of Good Health in Faribault, MN

5 Facets of Good Health:

Nutrition: Eating a well-balanced diet and drinking a healthy amount of water are key to looking and feeling your best.

Low carb, low fat . . . information on what constitutes a proper diet is vast and conflicting.  When it comes to nutrition one thing is true—variety is the spice of life.  That’s not a green light to eat whatever you want whenever you want but merely to eat a variety of food including whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low fat protein while keeping the consumption of refined sugars and processed foods to a minimum.

One easy way to instantly improve your health is to drink more water.  How much water is the right amount?  A good rule of thumb is to take your weight, in pounds, divided by 2 (i.e.: A person weighing 150 pounds needs to drink 75 ounces of water per day.).  High levels of physical activity, medications and drinks high in caffeine may increase your need for water even more.

Exercise: The body needs a good amount of cardiovascular exercise each week to maintain health.  All you need is 3-4 thirty-minute intervals of exercise per week to stay healthy.  Also, stretching should be performed daily to release the tension that builds up in our muscles.

Sleep: Getting enough rest at night is essential for your body to recharge and heal from each day.  Every body requires a different amount of sleep.  On average, the range is between 6-10 hours per night.

Positive Mental Attitude: Maintaining a positive mental attitude is powerful.  It is a state of mind, which influences our thoughts and actions.  The power of a positive mental attitude can help you better manage stress and enable you to achieve goals making your life happier, healthier and more successful.

A Healthy Nervous System: Every cell, tissue, organ and system of the body is controlled and regulated by the nervous system.  A properly functioning nervous system allows for a properly functioning body.

A close relationship exists between the nervous system and the spine.   The nervous system can be negatively affected if proper spinal alignment is altered even slightly between one spinal bone (vertebra) and another.   There are many factors that can cause spinal misalignment.  Trauma from an accident, improper lifting, falls, jolts, or strains are common causes.  Sustained postures, repeated motions, and emotional stress, all common to the workplace can gradually wear down parts of the spine and lead to misalignment.  The result of this misalignment of spinal bones is a nervous system that is not able to work at its optimum level.

Chiropractic’s role in this process is to ensure that your brain is able to send the correct messages via the nervous system to the entire body.  When your nervous system is working well, without interference, overall wellness improves.  Regular chiropractic care is essential to reach optimal health.

We all perform better when we are happy, healthy and motivated.  Improve your health by making healthier lifestyle choices.  Small changes lead to healthy habits.

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