Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Are You Building Health - Faribault, MN?

Have you ever stopped wonder why sickness and suffering is increasing year after year in our country?  We have more cases of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and many other chronic diseases than ever before.  It is pandemic and is destroying the very fabric of our society.

The most prevailing theory is these problems are genetic: passed on from generation to generation and there is little, if anything, we can do about it.  It would seem a plausible conclusion because it is after all genes that make up who we are, is it not?  A closer look reveals that in most cases they are not ultimately responsible for our health or lack thereof.

Genes are essentially “blueprints.”  They contain all the information required to build a healthy strong body.  Another fact about our genes is they have not changed for thousands of years.  This dates to a time when there was no evidence of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.  Clearly blaming the “blueprints” for our current health problems is wrong.

What happens when you use a good blueprint but build a house out of poor materials?  You get a house that will not last and will need constant repairs.  How about having good genes but supplying them with poor materials to work with? You end up as the average American with a body that will not last and more sickness and suffering than there should ever be.

We need to give our genes good materials so they can build a strong healthy body.  Exercise and movement (including chiropractic adjustments), eating good  wholesome and nutritious foods, and a positive mental attitude are necessary supplies for our genes to express health.  Aristotle once said “We are what we repeatedly do…”  This applies to many areas of our life, including our health.  Changing the direction of the health of our  country starts with each of us making more healthy choices.  Make a decision today to add one good “material” to build a long, healthy life.

In Health,

Dr. Jason Hoisington
Hoisington Family Chiropractic
Located in Faribault, MN